
How many days ago was november 11 2015
How many days ago was november 11 2015

how many days ago was november 11 2015

It coincides with other holidays including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day which are celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I. Veterans Day (originally known as Armistice Day) is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans of the United States Armed Forces (who were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable). World War I veteran Joseph Ambrose (1896–1988) attends the dedication parade for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1982, wearing his original Brodie helmet and doughboy uniform and holding the flag that covered the casket of his son, Clement, who was killed in the Korean War.

how many days ago was november 11 2015

So nobody’s really “wrong”, it’s just that the “right answer” is different depending on whether we’re concerned with pragmatics or just semantics.U.S. Instead they ask the question which is (arguably) a bit less common knowledge: “how many months have only 28 days?”Īnd so when the answer turns out to be “all of them”, this is only because the quizzer is breaking pragmatic norms. We assume that the quizzer has assumed some of *our* knowledge – in this context, our knowledge that no months have fewer than 28 days – and so they wouldn’t ask a question with an answer that would be so easy for us. But there are assumptions we make when being quizzed too. So when the answer turns out to be “all of them”, this is only because the questioner is breaking pragmatic norms.Īlternatively, we sometimes ask questions we know the answer to when we are *quizzing* others. The candidate question that makes the most sense in this context is “how many months have *only* 28 days?”. It’s a pragmatic norm that we don’t ask questions we already know the answer to, and so we infer that the questioner must be asking some other question. If we assume the questioner knows all this, then we will infer that they already know the answer to the question as it was explicitly asked. However, pragmatically we assume that the questioner has a certain amount of knowledge: they know that some months have 30 days, and others have 31, and we might also assume they probably know that no months have any fewer than 28 days. The question above (how many months have 28 days?) does not explicitly say that it’s looking for months with *only* or *exactly* 28 days, so semantically speaking the correct answer should include any month that has *at least* 28 days (all of them). The riddle plays on the distinction between “semantics” and “pragmatics”, where semantics is concerned only with what sentences explicitly say, while pragmatics concerns itself with what we imply with our sentences.

how many days ago was november 11 2015

additional inferences are the intended mislead, if you consider them, congrats! you just proved the riddle a good one. Simply, it’s a riddle, any answer that is not, “all of them” is wrong. the question was not, “do you have exactly 7$?”, such inferences are incorrect. you don’t not have 7$ because you have a 10$ bill. If you have 10$, and are asked if you have 7$, yes, you do. this misled here is february, it puts that in your head, to distract you from thinking, ‘or looking’ at the ‘exact’ language, which asks simply, how many months have 28 days. there shouldn’t be that much debate there either. but if it makes you happy, subtract the fun, common sense “february every 4 years,”. if it was, ‘which months have 28 days, but not more or less than 28 days, ‘ that wouldn’t be a riddle, it would be a really really really stupid question. an effective one.īut regardless, if you were chinese, the ‘misleading’ language is why it called a a”riddle”. oh the enlightenment!! -but yes, the ‘way people would take it ‘commonly but certainly not absolute, is exactly, WHY it’s a riddle.

how many days ago was november 11 2015

To ‘all english people would take it,’ wow, i’d like to meet you, some kinda diety that knows how every creature thinks/infers, filtered of course, somehow, by those who speak english. riddle is clever, one of the many reasons is it says this without saying this, put ppl are willing to say february before the question is finished. if you have 20$, and are asked if you have 8$, yo don’t not have 8$, because you weren’t asked if you have 8$, or exactly 8$. to those whining, ‘no some have 30 etc’ yeah, which means they have 28 + 2 months. (scroll to end for simple answer/reasoning)- it’s a riddle, thus meant to mislead, thus why it is called a riddle.

How many days ago was november 11 2015